Saturday, February 5, 2011

Finding Refuge

So where exactly is that 10% going?

Peace Food is teaming up with Finding Refuge to combat child slavery and build educational institutions abroad!

What is Finding Refuge?

"A non-profit organization helping to combat child slavery in Ghana, specifically the surrounding areas of Lake Volta."-

Learn more about Finding Refuge by clicking the link below!

Finding Refuge--Save-A-Slave Program:

Save a Slave – The Save a Slave program will enable an individual or organization to save one child slave from Lake Volta for $1000 as well as help support that child for a year. After the child is rescued the donor will receive information on about that child including their name, age, a photo, their story and a means to keep in contact with that child. The initial rescuing process costs $500 which includes the trips back and forth to Lake Volta, the child’s medical bills and their first set of clothing. The remaining funds are used to support that child for a year including additional clothing, medical issues, meals and school costs.

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